Sunday, September 22, 2019

Dear Families,                                  

I hope that you had an enjoyable summer.  I look forward to working with you to make
your child’s third grade experience memorable.  I thought I would outline some basic
policies and classroom routines. You will receive more information at Curriculum
Night, which will take place on Thursday, September 27th. 

Picture Day is Tuesday, September 24th!

Students in grade three will receive 25 - 30 minutes of homework no more than four
nights a week.  This includes written assignments, independent reading, and studying
of spelling words and math facts.  Written homework will be assigned no more than
three nights a week. Students will record their homework and other reminders each
day in an agenda book which will be transported to and from school.  Please check
your child’s agenda book nightly, reinforce the importance of homework with your
child,  and make sure that he or she understands each assignment.  

It is important for parents to monitor the homework process; however, if
your child is struggling over a concept, please do not do the work for him or her. 
Simply send me a written note or an email explaining the situation. This will give me
an accurate picture of how well your child understands the material. However, please
check to make sure that assignments are complete and that the handwriting is legible.
Let me know if there is a reason why your child’s homework is not completed,
i.e. illness or family emergency.  Finally, homework will travel to and from school
in the red communication (FISH) folder. Please be sure to check both pockets of
the folder for notices, homework and corrected work each night.

Parent/Teacher Communication

You may contact me via email, note, or phone.  I will check both email and voicemail
once a day, generally in the afternoon.  If you send an email concerning your child’s
dismissal on the day of the dismissal, please make sure to notify the office as well. 

Dena O’Shaughnessy
Elmwood School

We will have snack each morning around 10:30 am.  Students’ recess is scheduled
at 12:40 and lunch will follow at 1:00 each day.

I do ask that the children bring healthy snacks such as fruits, vegetables, crackers,
yogurt, nut-free granola bars, etc.  Please make sure that snacks consist of foods that
are easy to eat while working. Please note that Room 202 is a Nut Aware
classroom.I ask that you check labels carefully and refrain from sending any snacks
that contain these ingredients.  Students are welcome to bring nut products for
lunch; however, those foods should remain in students’ lunch bags until they
reach the cafeteria. I strongly recommend that each child bring a water bottle
as well. It can be very, very toasty in Room 202, despite our fans!

Specials Schedule for Room 202
Monday 11:20 am
Tuesday 9:50 and 11:20 am
Art and Health
Wednesday 11:20 am
Physical Education
Thursday 11:20 am
Friday (sneakers) 2:20 pm
Physical Education

I look forward to an exciting, productive year of learning and growing. I hope
to see you Thursday evening!

Dena O’Shaughnessy